All abilities Choir

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Thanks for your interest in our All Abilities Choir.

The Choir at TLC Music Therapy welcomes anyone who enjoys singing. The Choir is  accessible and inclusive, with no auditions, and no previous singing experience necessary.  

When & Where

Choir sessions will be held weekly during term with breaks over the school holidays.  Choir sessions will run from 11.30am-12.15pm Fridays and will  be held at the TLC Music Therapy clinic at 158 Colby Drive, Belgrave South.    

Choir Description

The Choir is an informal and fun all abilities singing group, perfect for people who enjoy singing and making music with others.  The Choir is inclusive, strengths based and no musical experience is necessary. The group is a program of support under the NDIS and NDIS participants and their support workers are welcome.   People living with neurodivergence, or a physical or intellectual disability may find traditional Choirs inaccessible or unable to accommodate their needs.  This Choir is designed for everyone.    
The focus of the Choir is on singing for health and wellbeing, rather than performances.  The Choir is facilitated by a Registered Music Therapist who works with participants to design a fun, social, and engaging Choir experience for everyone.  
The Choir aims to have 8-10 members, depending on how many support workers need to fit in the studio. 

What you will do at the choir?

The sessions will include:

  • Vocal techniques

  • Vocal games

  • Choosing and learning repertoire together

  • Lots of singing!

  • Song writing

  • Drumming

  • Body percussion

  • Instrument playing

  • Creative movement

Benefits of Joining the Choir

Some benefits of joining the Choir include:
  • Joy
  • Reducing social isolation
  • Developing social and peer relationships
  • Connecting with others in the community
  • Developing communication & language skills
  • Emotional expression
  • Working together collaboratively
  • Emotional regulation 
  • Improving memory 
  • Providing a creative leisure activity
  • Moving our bodies with purpose and creativity
  • Calming our nervous system 
  • Creating something aesthetically beautiful with others
  • Boosting confidence
  • Learning new skills
  • Increasing awareness of others 
  • Releasing endorphins
  • Coordinating physical movement
  • Improving quality of life


Group fees will be $193.99 per session (divided by the participants) as well as 5min documentation and planning time per participant per week. Any reports or service support plans will be charged at $193.99 per hour and divided by participants. Participants can use their NDIS funding to attend the group and group fees are invoiced at the end of the term.  Participants will commit to the Choir for a term at a time, and will be invoiced by the term rather than weekly attendance.  

If you’d like to join us, then please register a referral here.