Creativity for Kids
Why is it important?
Because it is a key to success in nearly everything we do. It is a key component of health and happiness and a core skill to practice. Creativity is important for science, maths, social and emotional intelligence. To be more flexible and better problem solvers kids need practice at experimenting, failing, building and finally succeeding.
Creative activities: visual art and construction
You don’t always need to give your child new play materials. Using everyday objects, and making it up as you go along, is a great way to encourage creative development.
· Use an empty cardboard box to make a house, a robot, a truck, an animal – whatever your child is keen on. You could cut up the box, glue things onto it or paint it.
· Glue ribbons and strips of material onto paper or cardboard.
· Old newspaper, glue and water are all you need for papier mâché, although your child will need help with this.
· Use empty toilet rolls or small plastic juice bottles to make a family. Draw on faces, stick on paper clothes, and use cotton wool for hair. Your child could use these new toys to make up stories.
· Make use of found and natural material. For example, in autumn collect fallen leaves for drawing, pasting onto paper or dipping into paint.
· Use small plastic lids, patty pan cases and other ‘threadables’ to make jewellery.
· Keep a ‘busy box’ with things like string and coloured paper, empty food containers and plastic cups.
· Playdough
· Blocks
· Duplo
· Sticks (outside)
· Sand
· Flour & water (and glitter if you want to get fancy)
Extra reading and ideas