5 tips to encourage music-making at home
It’s music time!
5 tips to encourage music-making at home
1. Music is VERY engaging for babies and children, they love it when you sing to them! Speaking to your baby in a sing-song voice helps calm them down when upset and promotes a more stable mood and deeper connection with you.
2. Music can help you with tricky times in your daily routine. Try a packing up song to help with tidy time or a song to distract your toddler from a tantrum.
3. Music time can include singing, humming, chanting, rhyming, tapping a beat, playing with (and making) small instruments such as bells, shakers, drums and rattles, dancing, swaying, bouncing, or copying each others sounds.
4. You can sing songs you already know or make up new songs to describe what you are doing. Here are some songs you’ll probably already know.
Baa Baa Black Sheep Old MacDonald
Mary had a little lamb Wheels on the bus
Twinkle Twinkle Incy Wincy Spider
Open shut them Row Row Row your boat
5 little ducks It’s raining it’s pouring
Mister frog This little piggy went to market
Ring a ring a rosey Round and round the market
Humpty Dumpty See saw marjory daw
5. Research has shown that music is very enjoyable for young children and can provide benefits such as increased IQ, better social and emotional skills, enhanced literacy skills (comprehension and verbal expression), more physical coordination and increased creativity. Research also shows that the more musical you are with your baby or child, the more connected you become.
Happy music making!