TLC Music Songs #2
Hello song
Hello Hello
Hello Hello
Hello Hello
It’s nice to see you today
Hello to ______
Hello to ______
Hello to ______
It’s nice to see you today
Bee Bee Bumble Bee
Bee Bee Bumble Bee
Can you say your name for me?
Hello _______, Helllo
Riding on a mosquito
We’re riding, riding, riding riding,
Riding on a mosquito
Hip Hip hooray we’re off and away
We’re riding on a mosquito
Riding, riding, riding, riding,
Riding on a mosquito
Forward and back, just look at that
We’ve fallen off our mosquito (crash!)
Mother and Father and Uncle John
Mother and Father and Uncle John
Rode into town one day
Mother fell off (fall to the side),
Father fell off (fall to other side),
But Uncle John went on and on and
On and on and on and on and on (getting faster and faster)
Apple tree (lie on back with baby on your legs)
Way up high in the apple tree
Two little apples smiled at me
I shook that tree as hard as I could (shake then straighten legs so baby slides down)
Down came the apples,
Mmmmm they were good!
5 little Koala’s
One koala up a gum tree
Eating eucalyptus leaves
Here comes another one
Just like the other one
Climbing climbing up up up
Two koala’s up a gum tree…
Rum Sum Sum
A rum sum sum
A rum sum sum
Gooley gooley gooley gooley gooley
Rum sum sum
A rum sum sum
A rum sum sum
Gooley gooley gooley gooley gooley
Run sum sum
A raffi, A raffi,
Gooley gooley gooley gooley gooley
Run sum sum
A raffi, A raffi,
Gooley gooley gooley gooley gooley
Run sum sum
Dancing Rainbow Colours
I am dancing around with my rainbow colours
Dancing, dancing all around
I am dancing around with my rainbow colours,
Dancing, dancing all around
I can reach up high and twirl them around, then twirl them slowly to the ground.
I am dancing around with my rainbow colours,
Dancing dancing all around.
I am jumping up and down…
I am swaying side to side…
On my toe there is a bee
On my toe there is a bee,
Now he’s climbing up on me,
Past my tummy, past my nose
On my head where my hair grows.
On my head there is a bee,
Now he’s climbing down on me,
Past my tummy, past my knee,
On my toe now buzz away bee, buzzzzz
Fuzzy the Clown
Fuzzy the clown he lives deep down,
Deep down inside his box
And every night, when it’s still and quiet - Fuzzy jumps right up! (jump up)
And he dances and dances all around
Yes he dances and dances all around
Fuzzy dances and dances all around
And then he goes back down.
Dapple Grey
I know a little pony, his name is dapple grey
He lives down in the meadow, not very far away
He goes nimble nimble nimble (side to side) and
Trot trot trot (up and down)
And then he stops and waits a bit, (wait)
Gallop Gallop Gallop! Wee! (lift up)
Farmers Apple Tree
On the farmers (clap) apple tree
5 green apples, you can see
shake those branches quick as can be
Then _____can take an apple from the
Apple tree
Whose that bouncing?
Whose that bouncing on the bed
Whose that bouncing, it’s big ted
See him bouncing all around
Now he’s resting on the ground.
Goodbye song
Wave goodbye it’s time to go
Wave goodbye it's time to go
Wave goodbye it’s time to go
We’ll see you here next week
Goodbye ____ it's time to go
Goodbye _____it's time to go
Goodbye _____it's time to go
We’ll see you here next week
1,2 Buckle my shoe
1,2 buckle your shoe
(tap on your feet)
3, 4 knock at the door
(tap up in the air)
5, 6 pick up sticks
(toss and catch)
7, 8 lay them straight
(line up in front of body)
9, 10 do it again
(pass behind back and start again)