TLC Music Songs #4

The colours are gliding

The colours are gliding, all around

The colours are gliding, all around

The colours are gliding, all around

And then all my colours with swirl to the ground



Let’s make a rainbow

Let’s make a rainbow way up high

Moving our rainbows from side to side

Let’s make a rainbow way up high

The pretty colours move across the sky


Can you shake up high?

Can you stand on your tippy toes and try

Now shake them everywhere

And shake down low


Let’s make a rainbow way up high

Moving our rainbows from side to side

Let’s make a rainbow way up high

The pretty colours move across the sky



I hear thunder

I hear thunder

I hear thunder

Hark don’t you?

Hark don’t you?

Pitter patter raindrops

Pitter patter raindrops

I’m wet through

So are you





5 little men made out of snow

5 little men made out of snow

Each with a hat and a big red bow

Out came the sun and he stayed all day

One little snow man melted away

And he said, “Oops, I’m a puddle!”

Four little men made out of snow…


Not much room under my mushroom

Oh there’s not much room under my mushroom so you can’t come over today

Oh there’s not much room under my mushroom so you’d better stay away


But when the rain falls down I know

My mushroom will grow

and grow and grow


And there’ll be lots of room under my mushroom so please come over today

There’ll be lots of room under my mushroom so please come over to play


Walter Walter Wagtail

Walter Walter wagtail

sat upon a pole

He wagged his tail,

He wagged his tail,

Then he fell down a hole,



Five little birdies

One little birdie flew and flew,

Along came another one

And then there were two. 

One! Two!

Two little birdies busy as can be

Along came another one and that made three.

One! Two! Three!

Three little birdies wanted one more

Along came another one and that made four.

One! Two! Three! Four!

Five little birdies flying very high

Flapping wings and soaring,

Up in the sky!

Oral Stories


Telling stories without books is a great way to engage your child’s attention, develop their imagination and their concentration. 


Here are a few ideas to get you started at home plus a copy of the Molly Golly story we did this week.


· Create a quiet space and sit close

· Choose a story you know well so it ‘flows’

· You can change your voice for different characters if you like

· Children love to hear simple stories about your life when you were young or stories about them

· You can use small props or dolls if you like



Molly Golly


Molly Golly x4 (point to each finger as you say it)

Went for a walk (sweep from top index finger down and up thumb)

She found it was snowing but she kept on going (do snow fingers), 

until she heard a little voice call (1st pincers opening and closing)


Oh Molly, ah Molly don’t go far Molly

Don’t get lost or frozen by the frost,

But she kept on going….

Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter pat


Molly Golly x4 (point to each finger as you say it)

Went for a walk (sweep from top index finger down and up thumb)

She found it was snowing but she kept on going, 

until she heard a bigger voice call (2nd hands palms together opening and closing)


Oh Molly, ah Molly don’t go far Molly

Don’t get lost or frozen by the frost,

But she kept on going….

Pitter patter pitter patter pitter patter pat


Molly Golly x4 (point to each finger as you say it)

Went for a walk (sweep from top index finger down and up thumb)

She found it was snowing but she kept on going, 

until she heard a great big voice call (3rd large crocodile hands opening and closing)


Oh Molly, ah Molly don’t go far Molly

Don’t get lost or frozen by the frost,

So she ran back home

Run, run….. patting knees

Close the door (clap hands)


Stories can also be used to help resolve difficult behaviors or help your child learn new skills and face new challenges. has great collections of stories you can purchase very reasonably to help you with ideas. 


TLC Music Songs #5


TLC Music Songs #3