TLC Music Songs #6

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall (gently bounce on bent knees)

Humpty Dumtpy had a great fall (open knees and let baby drop a little)

All the kings horses and all the kings men (bounce on bent knees)

Couldn’t put Humpty together again

(or change to ‘Helped to put Humpty together again’)


She sells sea shells

She sells sea shells by the seashore

She sells sea shells by the seashore

Brown and grey and blue yellow

Pink, white, green

Brown and grey and blue yellow

Pink, white, green

Birds in the sky, singing songs

Flying high, while….(repeat)



 5 Koala’s up a gum tree

1 Koala up a gum tree

eating eucalyptus leaves

Here comes another one

Just like the other one

Climbing, climbing, up up up


2 Koalas….etc…


5 koalas up a gum  tree

eating eucalyptus leaves

When they’re finished with their snack

They all curl up and take a nap



Rubbing baby’s back

Rubbing baby’s back

Rubbing baby’s back

Round and round and

Up and down we’re

Rubbing baby’s back


Rubbing baby’s arms etc…

Then legs, feet, face & head


On my toe

On my toe there is a bee

Now he’s climbing up on me

Past my tummy past my nose

On my head where my hair grows


On my head there is a bee

Now he’s climbing down on me

Past my tummy, past my knee

On my toe, now buzz away bee

(buzzing fingers and a tickle)



Bouncing song


Walter Walter Wagtail

Walter Walter Wagtail sat upon a pole (bouncing)

He wagged his tail (shake)

And wagged his tail

Then he fell down a hole (lift up or open legs to fall through - whoo!)


Dapple Grey

I had a little pony, his name was Dapple Grey (bouncing)

He lived down in the meadow not very far away

He went nimble nimble nimble (side to side with your knees)

And Trot trot trot (bounce)

And then he’d stop to wait a bit

Gallop Gallop Gallop – Whee! (lift hight)


TLC Music Songs #7


TLC Music Songs #5